Librarians who work with teens will welcome these useful guides.
In Booktalking with Teens, Kristine Mahood explains how to use booktalks to engage teens with the library. She discusses what teens are reading (and how to find out); surveys various genres, including graphic novels and classics; and outlines the steps in making booktalking a success.
Indexed. 289p. PBK. $45 from Libraries Unlimited (9781591587149)
There are plenty of books on working with teens, but Teen-Centered Library Service: Putting Youth Participation into Practice offers a twist. Instead of leaving teens on the receiving end of what a library offers, Diane P. Tuccillo shows how to get them to take an active role in programming, teaching and promoting technology, fundraising, serving on adult library boards, and other activities.
Indexed. 259p. PBK. $45 from Libraries Unlimited (9781591587651)