Michael P. Sauers used his own experience as a blogger (at travelinlibrarian.info) to explain the technology an easy-to-understand way in the first edition of Blogging and RSS: A Librarian’s Guide, published in 2006. Since then, he has gone into Twitter in a big way (more than 14.000 tweets) and an important change in the new edition is a chapter on microblogging. To get novices started, he invites them to become one of his more than 1,600 followers at twitter.com/msauers. He has also updated the section on blogging, adding some new tools and revising the list of library-related blogs and bloggers. As always, Sauers provides a tool that is especially useful for non-experts.
Indexed. Information Today. 322p. $35. 978-1-57387-399-4.