I am greatly honored to stand for election for American Library Association (ALA) treasurer and to serve our profession by providing leadership for the financial well-being of our Association.
ALA is at a critical time with changes in Association leadership positions, increased operational costs, flat-to-decreasing membership, and declining revenue. Librarians and library workers have a variety of choices for professional development, service, and engagement, so ALA needs to adapt to the changing expectations of the library profession if it is to remain relevant and vibrant. This will require critical examination of our conferences, activities, publishing, operations, and structure in order to meet the needs of our contemporary profession.
As your treasurer, I will diligently work to provide analysis, support, and financial details that facilitate decisions on how we move forward as an association.
Currently I am chair of the Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC). In this role, I lead a team of members, working closely with the ALA treasurer and Finance office to provide oversight for the Association’s finances. This experience has provided me with insights into the financial and organizational structures of ALA. Of critical importance is process: ensuring that we follow ALA policies, respond to ALA Council referrals, and provide direction to the Finance office. As BARC chair, I have established the goals of transparency, clarity, and communication as we focus on immediate and long-term goals.
As ALA treasurer, I will continue this service with similar goals. Transparency in our budget processes is necessary as we consider not only the current financial state but how we strategically invest in our infrastructure to modernize our work. As we consider real estate options, we need transparency in the financial details in order to make an informed decision that will impact ALA for many years. I will strive to bring clarity to the budget process. Clarity is essential for making informed decisions with an understanding of processes throughout the organization, including divisions and round tables. We need to use simple and clear language in understanding and describing our budget.
Although ALA has many units with revenue and nonrevenue activities, our processes should be understood by members. Transparency and clarity are at the foundation of communication regarding Association finances. I will facilitate regular communication to ALA leadership, including division and round table leaders. As treasurer, I will continue this pattern to provide regular and direct communication for ALA members.
In addition to my service on BARC, I have served on Council, on the Association of College and Research Libraries executive board, and as chair of various committees and task forces.
I have also held leadership positions in state and regional library associations and consortia. As library dean of three universities, I have broad budget experience and financial expertise that complement my MLS and master’s of public administration degree. My skills in facilitation and management will contribute to the dialogue of examining the financial infrastructure required to modernize our Association’s operations.
Thank you for considering me for this critical leadership position, and I ask for your vote.