Going to Book Expo America, May 29–June 1 in New York? If so, come join ALA President Maureen Sullivan at two events:
On May 30, Maureen will be on the panel “E-books from Libraries: Good for Authors?” at the invitation of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR). Also on this panel are Steve Potash (OverDrive), Paul Aiken (Authors Guild), Jack Perry (38enso Inc.), and Ginger Clark (Moderating for AAR).
Javits Convention Center, Room 1E10, 3:30–4:20 p.m.
On May 31, Maureen will be the special guest at the booth of Douglas County (Colo.) Libraries and Califa. She will be available to talk informally about ALA’s accomplishments and plans regarding ebooks and library advocacy. Also on hand will be Alan S. Inouye, the program manager for ALA’s Digital Content Initiative.
Javits Convention Center, Exhibit Booth #963, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Also of note is a May 31 program about the Douglas County Libraries (DCL) model that features our DCL colleague Rochelle Logan. This program also includes Dominique Raccah (Sourcebooks), Alan Huizenga (Tyndale House Publishers), and Sameer Shariff (Impelsys).
Javits Convention Center, Room 1E07, 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
See American Libraries E-Content blog for further information about ALA’s efforts regarding ebooks and digital content more broadly.