2012 ALA Presidential Candidates Forum

2012 ALA Presidential Candidates Gina Millsap and Barbara Stripling respond to audience questions at the Presidential Candidates Forum at the 2012 Midwinter Meeting in Dallas. ALA members in good standing as of January 31 can vote beginning March 19.

January 25, 2012

2012 ALA Presidential Candidates Gina Millsap and Barbara Stripling respond to audience questions at the Presidential Candidates Forum at the 2012 Midwinter Meeting in Dallas. ALA members in good standing as of January 31 can vote beginning March 19.

0:00: Opening Statements
8:53: How can ALA enhance libraries' presence among the mass media?
11:41: What would you do as president to encourage librarians to reach out to ALA?
15:04: What will you do to help prevent school librarians from being replaced by paraprofessionals?
18:35: What can ALA do to support librarians in purchasing policy matters on a national scale?
22:05: How can ALA attract energetic people to the field and the Association?
25:15: Is promoting ALA's role internationally part of your agenda, and how would you carry it out?
29:12: How will your proposed presidential theme tie in to what has been done in the past?
32:01: How do we recruit librarians with 21st-century images of libraries?
36:15: Does it make any difference who is elected?
39:16: Do you have a sense of humor?
40:52: Closing statements