Fourth annual retreat brings librarians from around the nation
August 12, 2016
After a morning session on interpersonal competence, participants were split into groups, with one person from each group selected to present a case study from their experience. Annie Lewis (left), librarian at Multnomah County (Oreg.) Library, listens as Nancy Herrera, librarian at Contra Costa County (Calif.) Library, makes her presentation.
Carrie Betts, information and technology specialist at West Bloomfield (Mich.) School District, presents her case to the group.
Renee Grassi, youth department director at Glen Ellyn (Ill.) Public Library, listens during the morning case study session.
After a morning session on interpersonal competence, participants were split into groups, with one person from each group selected to present a case study from their experience. Annie Lewis (left), librarian at Multnomah County (Oreg.) Library, listens as Nancy Herrera, librarian at Contra Costa County (Calif.) Library, makes her presentation.
This week marked the fourth annual American Library Association (ALA) Leadership Institute, held at Eaglewood Resort and Spa in Itasca, Illinois. The 42 librarians selected to participate in the national leadership program represented many different types of libraries, and this year included one vendor as well. The four-day institute was founded and is led by former ALA President Maureen Sullivan (2012−2013) and Kathryn Deiss, library and leadership consultant.