Chad, Rustle, and Mooch, the Crash Pad puppets, misinterpret the meaning of Banned Books Week, trying to throw some books with objectionable content–including Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, The Joy of Cooking, and the phone book–out of the library, until Herb points out the error of their ways. More ALA videos at
Banned Books Week: Puppet Book Banners
Chad, Rustle, and Mooch, the Crash Pad puppets, misinterpret the meaning of Banned Books Week, trying to throw some books with objectionable content--including Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, The Joy of Cooking, and the phone book--out of the library, until Herb points out the error of their ways. More ALA videos at
September 23, 2009