As seen in ALA blogs on Friday, June 24:
Day 1- A Good Beginning, Learning Curves, & World Domination – The PLA Blog
Loretta Gharst was “fortunate enough to immediately find the conference bus that went to the hotel where my next event was being hosted, the Gulf Coast Libraries Recovery Project awards ceremony. The food was great and the company was excellent. It was awesome to visit once again with the staff from other libraries that had been damaged by the 2005 storms.”…
Best Websites for Teaching and Learning – ALSC Blog
Mary Ann Scheuer wrote of AASL's preconference that the “Top 25 Web Sites for Teaching and Learning provided very interesting resources, looking at a range of different websites for teaching and learning. It was a great chance to hear from librarians and teachers about what was working in their schools. I came away excited to try some new sites this summer!”…
Town Hall explores staff, patron diversity issues – AL Inside Scoop
Pam Goodes reported, “In accordance with the Association’s continued emphasis on diversity, small groups probed the varied facets of the issue during the Town Hall Meeting on Diversity June 24 presented by ALA's Committee on Diversity. The goal was to provide members with an opportunity to gather and discuss key issues and develop strategies for use with the Association, workplaces, and communities.”…
PLA preconference, Top Ten Benefits of Tough Economic Times – The PLA Blog
P.Sweeney reported, “The PLA preconference, Top Ten Benefits of Tough Economic Times, was presented by Cathy Hakala-Ausperk and Kim Bolan Cullin. Cathy and Kim started the session by talking about the importance of the CASE philosophy. If you’re unfamiliar with the CASE it stands for Copy and Steal Everything.
In that vein, I am going to present to you a summary of their top ten benefits of tough economic times in reverse order…”
Library Champions Reception – ALA Membership Blog
Marc Huber wrote, “During Thursday night's reception recognizing ALA's Library Champions, Major Donors, and Legacy Society members, ALA President Roberta Stevens acknowledged the contributions of John Ison [Director of Library Relations at DEMCO] and Thomas Phelps [Director of the Division of Public Programs at the National Endowment for the Humanities] to the library community in honor of their retirements.”…
Posters! Posters! at #ala11 – ALSC Blog
Abbylibrarian shared, “What do you get when you put 95 young, passionate librarians in a room together? This morning ALA’s 2011 Class of Emerging Leaders reconvened for a discussion of leadership and to display the projects we’ve been working on since January. I had the pleasure of working with some fabulous team members and mentors and, while I’m relieved that the work is done, I’ll definitely miss working with them.”…