It Begins

October 9, 2008

By way of introduction: my name is Greg, and I’m an associate editor for American Libraries. In my view, Inside Scoop isn’t a place for “official statements”—they have their place and their purpose, I guess, but this isn’t it. So what exactly will Inside Scoop entail? For me, there’s an easy answer and a hard answer. The easy (right) answer is: This is a place for American Libraries editors to share information that we think is interesting and worth sharing with readers, under our own names, that can be shared effectively in a blog format. Much of this will naturally be directly ALA-related; for some topics, the connection will come from the topic's relation to librarianship as a whole. The hard (wrong) answer? It’s still being drawn up as official policy, reviewed, vetted, spindled, mutilated, filed in triplicate, and distributed by mimeograph. I’m not planning to go out of my way to help that one along. Hope you enjoy it!