Midwinter 2020 Top 10 Tweets—Day 0

January 24, 2020

Top Ten Tweets

While the 2020 ALA Midwinter Meeting hasn’t started, several folks began the commute to the City of Brotherly Love.

First, you need to pack and make sure there are enough cardigans and room for ARCs.

Then the traveling and excitement begins!

And once you get to the airport or train station, it is time to begin playing your favorite game.


Once you arrive in your hotel, it’s time to unpack and do some sightseeing.

Then it’s a wrap on day 0!

Continue tweeting with #alamw20 to end up in the next Top 10 Tweets.


Dewey Decibel Insider's Guide to Philadelphia

Dewey Decibel Podcast: Insider’s Guide to Philadelphia

Episode 46 looks at things to do during the 2020 Midwinter Meeting

Five Days That Changed a City

Wes Moore recalls lessons from the Baltimore riots at the Midwinter Opening Session