
Kolaya, Margaret

March 3, 2017

Margaret “Meg” Kolaya, 69, director of Scotch Plains (N.J.) Public Library (SPPL) from 2002 until her 2015 retirement, died December 2. During her career, she also held several positions at the New Jersey Library Association. She founded “Libraries and Autism: We’re Connected,” a project to help libraries serve individuals with autism and their families by … Continue reading Kolaya, Margaret

Kipp, Laurence

March 3, 2017

Laurence J. Kipp, 102, died November 10. He served in the US Air Force 1942–1946 and was discharged as a staff sergeant. He served as executive director of the American Book Center for War Devastated Libraries in Washington, D.C., and held posts in the Harvard College Library. In 1954 he moved to the Baker Library … Continue reading Kipp, Laurence

Avenick, Karen

March 3, 2017

Karen Avenick, 70, former head of reference services and assistant director of Camden County (N.J.) Library System, died December 25. She was the original chair of the South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative Advocacy Team and 2002–2003 president of the New Jersey Library Association.

Alan, Robert

March 3, 2017

Robert “Bob” Alan, 69, head of serials and acquisitions at Penn State University, died August 13. He was an active presenter and author on acquisitions and serials during his career and held several leadership positions in the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), including serving on the ALCTS Board of Directors, chairing the … Continue reading Alan, Robert

Zabaneh, Lina

March 3, 2017

Lina Zabaneh joined Conference Services as conference coordinator November 8.

Wapner, Charlie

March 3, 2017

Charlie Wapner became senior information policy analyst for the Washington Office’s Office for Information Technology Policy in December.

Wagner, Emily

March 3, 2017

Emily Wagner joined the Office of Government Relations as information manager in January.

Pate, Steven

March 3, 2017

Steven Pate joined the Information Technology and Telecommunications Services and ALA Editions/Neal Schuman as e-store systems project manager December 5.

McFarlane, Megan

March 3, 2017

In December, Megan McFarlane, coordinator of the Campaign for America’s Libraries in ALA’s Public Awareness Office, left ALA to join Chicago Public Library as mobile STEAM librarian.

Keech, Chris

March 3, 2017

Chris Keech was promoted to director of Production Services December 22.

Galus, Peggy

March 3, 2017

Peggy Galus joined ALA Editions/Neal Schuman as manager of sales and customer service November 21.

Alicea, Adriane

March 3, 2017

Adriane Alicea joined ALA as HR assistant January 4.