
Thomas, Ann-Margaret

May 1, 2020

Ann-Margaret Thomas became director of Friend Memorial Library in Brooklin, Maine, January 2.

Weaver, Angela

May 1, 2020

In September Angela E. Weaver joined University of Puget Sound Collins Memorial Library in Tacoma, Washington, as fine and performing arts librarian.

Zarkar, Rustin

May 1, 2020

Rustin Zarkar joined University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Librar­ies as Middle East and Islamic studies librarian January 6.

Bedel, Julianne

May 1, 2020

Julianne Bedel was promoted to director of Medina (Ohio) County District Library February 4.

Burge, Peggy

May 1, 2020

University of Puget Sound Collins Memorial Library in Tacoma, Washing­ton, promoted Peggy Burge to associate director for public services January 16.

Caswell, Thomas

May 1, 2020

University of North Florida’s Thomas G. Carpenter Library in Jacksonville pro­moted Thomas R. Caswell to associate dean effective January 11.

Krim, Stacey

May 1, 2020

January 24 University of North Carolina at Greens­boro Libraries promoted Stacey Krim to assistant professor and curator of manuscripts.

Marquis, Kathy

May 1, 2020

Wyoming State Archives in Cheyenne promoted Kathy Marquis to Wyoming State Archivist January 9.

Murray, Jennifer

May 1, 2020

Jennifer L. Murray was promoted to associate dean at University of North Florida’s Thomas G. Carpenter Library in Jacksonville January 11.

McElroy, Emily

May 1, 2020

University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha promoted Emily McElroy to dean of McGoogan Library effec­tive January 1.

Mills, Caroline

May 1, 2020

Furman University in Greenville, South Caro­lina, promoted Caroline Curry Mills to director of libraries effec­tive November 1.

O’Clair, Katherine

May 1, 2020

In September California Polytechnic State University’s Kennedy Library in San Luis Obispo promoted Katherine O’Clair to associate dean for academic services.