Top 10 Library Stories of 2011

January 12, 2012

These are the top library stories of 2011, as selected by American Libraries editors. Share your top 10 in the comments. 1. Ebook Escapades HarperCollins imposed an arbitrary 26 loans per ebook license and Penguin refused to let libraries lend its new titles altogether. Even good e-news had a catch: Patrons who could now borrow … Continue reading Top 10 Library Stories of 2011

Good News on the Road to ESEA

December 21, 2011

School librarians have regained a bit of ground at the federal level as the push continues to get school libraries restored to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which is due for reauthorization. The foothold comes in the congressional appropriation of $28.6 million for literacy programs in the $916-billion budget for FY2012, and, reading … Continue reading Good News on the Road to ESEA

Keith Michael Fiels

Transforming Libraries, Transforming ALA

December 14, 2011

The digital “revolution” has been a major topic of public attention and discussion among librarians this year, as we are confronted by daily developments, announcements, and headlines related to ebooks. The transformation being brought about by digital media has been a strong emphasis of the Association as well. During the fall meeting October 21–23 at … Continue reading Transforming Libraries, Transforming ALA

Sign Here for School Libraries

November 29, 2011

The URL had barely expired November 27 on a bold online petition demanding the restoration of strong school libraries in every American school when another campaign got off the ground to gather 25,000 signatures within 30 days in favor of mandating quality education for America’s children through the provision of fully funded school libraries run … Continue reading Sign Here for School Libraries

The Brass Ring of Sustainability

November 16, 2011

Last week’s Election Day brought some remarkably good news for many public libraries across the country that sought operating millages and capital bonds for improvements. Seasoned advocates are well aware, however, that those victories were no reason for library boosters to rest on their laurels or stop reaching for the elusive brass ring of fiscal … Continue reading The Brass Ring of Sustainability

AASL Day One: E-ink and Collection Development

October 27, 2011

Minneapolis, the location of the 15th National Conference of ALA’s American Association for School Librarians, is gorgeous and friendly—and the cool temperatures are certainly welcome after my endless Texas summer! I arrived Tuesday evening, and found a group of AASL leaders including Susan Ballard and Debbie Abilock in the hotel restaurant. Two hours later, we … Continue reading AASL Day One: E-ink and Collection Development

No More Kidding Around

October 26, 2011

How often have you heard people complain in the last few months that our president, senators, and congressional reps are all acting like little children—especially during the shameful national debt ceiling crisis? There we were, on the brink of an unprecedented double-dip recession, and our federal elected officials persisted in pointing fingers at each other, … Continue reading No More Kidding Around

Library Outreach Specialists “Reach Out and Up” in Cleveland

October 18, 2011

“I want you to live your best life so you can affect the lives of the people you work with and for,” said Satia Orange, retired director of ALA’s Office for Literacy and Outreach Services and opening keynote speaker at the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services 2011 Annual Conference, October 13–15, in Cleveland, Ohio. … Continue reading Library Outreach Specialists “Reach Out and Up” in Cleveland