Colorful icons arranged in a grid representing a 3D printer, a person using a computer, a cloud, a book with a cursor clicking, and a mobile phone

2023 Public Library Technology Survey

November 7, 2023

Do you have digital media or maker production equipment for patron use at your library? What types of technology-based equipment does your library circulate? Do you provide space for patrons to conduct individual telehealth sessions? What are the greatest challenges your library faces in providing digital literacy assistance or training? What factors affect your library’s … Continue reading 2023 Public Library Technology Survey

A photo of one of the Wi-Fi-enabled benches installed by the Pioneer Library System in Oklahoma

Sit and Surf

May 1, 2023

The twist? Those patrons are doing this all outside while sitting at benches placed throughout the community—sometimes mere steps away from their own homes. PLS is one of a growing number of libraries nationwide to install high-tech, solar-powered benches that offer more than just a place to rest; they also provide free Wi-Fi and charging … Continue reading Sit and Surf

Moving the Needle

March 1, 2022

1: Look around The first step is to take inventory of what digital programs, services, resources, and staffing already exist in your library and identify gaps and opportunities, says Larra Clark, deputy director of PLA and ALA’s Public Policy and Advocacy Office. “That’s the number one thing—where are you today? No matter who you are, … Continue reading Moving the Needle