Council I: Domestic Partner Job Listing Measure Passes

January 9, 2011

A measure that encourages clarification within job listings as to the presence or absence of domestic partner benefits was the sole action taken by the ALA’s governing Council during its first session today.

Introduced by Peter Hepburn, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table councilor, the resolution (Council Document #35) originally called for requiring potential employers to specify explicitly in their job announcements in ALA publications or websites whether or not domestic partner benefits are offered. It also called for the same requirements for other publishers and providers.

Several councilors felt that the “required” language was too strong and offered an amendment to soften the measure to “encouraging” the addition of domestic partner benefit language in job listings.

Other resolutions on the agenda but postponed to subsequent sessions included: notifying conference and meeting attendees of hotels named on the “Do Not Patronize” list; in support of requiring the right to cancel contracts with hotels with active labor disputes; on the removal and censorship of artwork from the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery; on WikiLeaks and federal agencies; in support of WikiLeaks; and in support of the DREAM Act.