Saturday at ALA Midwinter 2010

January 17, 2010

Saturday was an exciting, fun filled day at the ALA's midwinter conference. Early risers were treated to the first installment of the Sunrise Speaker series with author Elizabeth Gilbert. On the exhibit floor many attendees took the opportunity to stop by the multiple book signings, which took place throughout the day. And there was much excitement when former vice president Al Gore delivered the Arthur Curley Memorial Lecture in the afternoon. 

Author Elizabeth Gilbert tells a story as part of the Sunrise Speaker series. Gilbert was the Saturday speaker.
Attendees of the Sunrise Speaker Series listen to author Elizabeth Gilbert.
Author Mitali Perkins signs a copy of her book Bamboo People for Amber Williams.
The exhibit hall as seen from the North side.
RUSA president Susan Beck gives a hug and air kisses to Oscar T. Robot at the Emery-Pratt booth.
Author Beth Hoffman signs a copy of her book Saving CeeCee Honeycutt for Kimberly Kinder during the Adult Literature Spotlight.
Author Lee Smith signs copies of her book Mrs. Darcy and the Blue-Eyed Stranger during the Adult Literature Spotlight.
Conference attendees come and go through the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center's main doors.
Former Vice President Al Gore gives the 11th annual Author Curley Memorial Lecture.
Hob Calhoun, a forester attending the conference with his fiance,  listens to Al Gore's speech on speakers one floor below the event.
Dora St. Martin browses in the ALA store.
The main entrance to Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.