New from ALA: May 2010

April 19, 2010

In the latest book on a persistent challenge, Michael Sullivan offers readers’ advisory as a strategy to bring boys to the library and get them to read. Serving Boys Through Readers’ Advisory explains “boys’ lit” and outlines how to use readers’ advisory effectively. Librarians will appreciate the many boy-friendly booktalks and book lists.

Indexed. 152p.PBK. $48 (9780838910221)

Collaborating with teachers to develop assignments can be a good way to promote information literacy, as media specialists know. In Building Bridges: Connecting Faculty, Students, and the College Library,  Monty L. McAdoo proposes the same kind of collaboration at the college level. In addition to identifying what works, he devotes a section to library assignments that fail. If you’ve tried tours and scavenger hunts that have flopped, this book will help you understand why.

Indexed. 159p. PBK.  $55 (9780838910191)


Fixing the Federal Depository Library Program

The system must respond to the digital age and a weakened economy

Quirkiness “R” Us

Have you embraced your inner eccentricity?