Readers’ advisory (RA) continues to grow in complexity and scope. It’s no longer just a question of connecting a patron to a mystery or romance author similar to one they’ve enjoyed in the past. Today, RA encompasses more of a library’s book collection and also, as laid out in Integrated Advisory Service: Breaking through the Book Boundary to Better Serve Library Users (edited by Jessica Moyer), applies to more than books. The title Integrated Advisory rather than Integrated Readers’ Advisory reflects the fact that reading is not the only activity considered here. Movies, television shows, video games, comics, audiobooks, and other formats are all part of the mix. The book is organized around genres, and the chapters were written by some of the most recognizable names in RA. Within most chapters, lists of titles in different media are arranged under types of plots and characters, as well as key themes. In addition, each chapter has a “Making Connections” section that discusses titles that cross over to other genres and a “Resources for Librarians” section that lists the key genre-specific print and online tools. An innovative guide to encourage librarians to think beyond the book when providing RA service.
Indexed. 405p. $58 from Libraries Unlimited (8978-1-59158-718-7)