Just in time for the switch from AACR2 to the new RDA (Resource Description and Access) standard designed specifically for the digital environment comes Chris Oliver’s Introducing RDA: A Guide to the Basics. Readers looking for a how-to will need to look elsewhere, but this book provides a useful overview on RDA, its alignment with international standards, its relationship to FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data), its similarities with and differences from AACR2, its implementation, and its advantages.
Indexed. 117p. $45 (978-0-8389-3594-1)
The extensively revised second edition of I Found It on the Internet: Coming of Age Online (the first was published in 2005) reflects the rapid pace of technological change. There is expanded discussion of socializing, sharing, and other phenomena popular with teens, and recent developments such as Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, and YouTube have been folded into the discussion. Author Frances Jacobson Harris believes librarians should be technology mentors, and this update will help.
Indexed. 234p. $45 (978-0-8389-1066-5)