New from ALA Editions

July 25, 2011

Between 2004 and 2008, four major studies were conducted by researchers. The results all pointed to positive trends in public library growth, with commensurate need for more librarians, especially in the face of the predicted retirements of “baby boomer” librarians. But then the current recession hit. A Strong Future for Public Library Use and Employment, by José-Marie Griffiths and Donald W. King, is a detailed, data-rich look at the studies on public library use and librarians in the workforce, along with two on return on investment in public library services. The authors evaluate the trends identified in those studies against other recessionary periods and conclude—again—that long term, there is a future in libraries.
Indexed 137 p. $70 ISBN 978-0-8389-3588-0

When you’re job hunting, the promise of jobs “long term” is little consolation; what you want is a road map to your next job. A Librarian’s Guide to an Uncertain Job Market, by Jeannette Woodward, is as close to that road map as you can get. Woodward starts with tips for “recession-proofing” the job you have, which are useful in any situation, and goes on to answer such questions as: But what should the first steps be if the pink slip comes? Where are jobs listed now? What are the current networking skills? How has interviewing changed? She also includes ideas on recasting your professional skills for opportunities outside traditional library environments. Many of her suggestions are particularly useful to a more seasoned librarian who may need to retool for today’s library jobs.
Indexed. 112 p. $45. ISBN 978-0-8389-1105-1 (Also available as an e-book or in a print/e-book bundle.)

How to Get a Great Job: A Library How-To Handbook is another practical guide to job hunting that also marks something of a return by ALA Editions to publishing books that libraries can buy for their users, rather than solely for professional reference. As one would expect, the book’s organization is clear, moving sequentially from research to the mechanics of the job search to networking to interviewing and landing the job—with emphasis on the use of a wide array of digital and social networking resources.
Indexed. 172 p. $20. ISBN 978-0-8389-1076-4 (Hardcover)


Empowering Voices

Telling the story of the transformational power of libraries