With all types of libraries suffering budget crises, a key skill is to know where—and how—available dollars might be stretched. In Cost Control for Nonprofits in Crisis, G. Stevenson Smith interprets the principles of cost accounting for use in libraries and other nonprofits. Following an overview of the chapter, Smith provides tools and examples to assist managers with the core tasks of controlling costs, evaluating projects, and implementing strategic planning. Among the techniques covered are activity costing, break-even analysis, and life-cycle costing. With the help of the tools Smith provides, a manager can use available financial data to make logical budget cuts and know the true cost of his or her library activities.
Indexed. 144 p. $75. 978-0-8389-1098-6.
With the economy languishing, small-business leaders continue to look for ways to leverage scarce resources, gather competitive information, and research innovative ideas. As Luise Weiss, Sophia Serlis-McPhillips, and Elizabeth Malafi explain in Small Business and the Public Library: Strategies for a Successful Partnership, the public library has a wealth of information for this sector of the community. From a library’s perspective, existing resources may need to be expanded to keep up with new service demands and to market the availability of these resource to the small-business community. With about half of the private sector workforce employed in small businesses, it is clear the community is not a small one and is a significant source of new job creation. What kinds of information do these businesses need? Sample business plans, trade information, directories, financial books, legal and governmental resources, and career information. The benefits to the library? Bringing in small-business owners through outreach programming and marketing could help forge valuable partnerships that will make the library more central to the community as the economy strengthens.
Indexed. 144 p. $55.00 978-0-8389-0993-5. (Also available as an ebook, $44.)
Sadly, news of thefts from libraries is all too common, with materials in special collections being especially vulnerable. Everett C. Wilkie Jr., past chair of the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Rare Books and Manuscripts Section's Security Committee, has assembled a guide to prevent and resolve thefts called Guide to Security Considerations and Practices for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collection Libraries. Expanding on the section’s existing guidelines (included in the appendixes), the book covers such topics as background checks, building considerations, alarm systems, technical processing and markings, and, alas, advice on how to deal with a theft once discovered. Even if your library has only a small “treasure room,” understanding what measures to take is an important step in stewardship of your library’s resources.
Indexed. 380 p. $65. 978-08389-8592-2.