This is the final week to submit your library for American Libraries’ 2013 Library Design Showcase, our annual feature celebrating the best new and newly renovated or expanded libraries of all types. The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 31.
We are looking for libraries that are shining examples of innovative architecture and that address the service needs of patrons in unique, interesting, and effective ways. Previous submissions have consisted of everything from living walls and LEED certifications to the restoration of branch libraries from the turn of the century. If your library is on the cutting-edge, we want our readers to know about it. To be eligible, projects must have been completed between January 1, 2012 and April 30, 2013.
To have your library considered, send a completed submission form (available as a PDF) along with color prints or high-resolution digital images, to American Libraries, Attn: Library Design Showcase, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Submissions can also be sent online via YouSendIt to (See details below.)
Unfortunately, not all submissions can be featured. For more information, email
To view last year’s selections, visit 2012 Library Design Showcase.
Online Submission Details
YouSendIt allows only one file of up to 100 MB to be sent at a time on a free account. Use WinZip or a similar compression application to compress your files into a single file. To send files, go to Enter your email address in the “From:” box, and in the “To:” field. Click “Select File” and browse to your file to select it. At this point, YouSendIt will ask you to sign up for a free account. Input a subject and message if you wish. In the next section, you can ignore the premium (and paid) delivery options. Click “Send It” to deliver your file.