Top Ten (Okay, a Dozen) Tweets – Day 1 (Friday)

January 24, 2014

On the first day of Midwinter,Twitter gave to me…

Extreme weather:

Jenny Reiswig tweets: “Hey #alamw14, if you’re cold now, just remember it will be ONE HUNDRED degrees warmer in Las Vegas.”






Tom Bruno tweets: “Yes, it's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but that's not going to stop 10,000+ librarians from freezing their Dewey Decimals off at #alamw14.”







Amy Ignatow tweets: “@deborahwiles No. Also, the ground is covered with snow. Also, a yeti just walked by my kitchen window and he looked cold. #alamw14”







Dent Arthur Dent IV tweets: “Eagerly awaiting news from our polar expedition @hoopslibrarian #alamw14.”







Cardigans, of course:

Nikki Krueger tweets: “On a Target run to buy a warmer cardigan for #alamw14. #LifeInPublishing”






Emily tweets: “Five days, seven cardigans. . .I must be heading to a librarian conference! #alamw14”







Swag at the Exhibit Hall:

Jami Nord tweets: “Too much fun at #alamw14 already. Our living room is now covered in piles of books. It’s AWESOME!”








Philly is swarming with Midwinter attendees:

Karen Keys tweets: “Normal (non-librarian) people at the bar are talking about how hard it was to get a cab because there’s a ‘convention’ going on. #alamw14”








#alaleftbehind feeling down, but coping:

Sherry Gick tweets: “Take THAT #alamw14 . . . My Friday night is just fine! #coping #alaleftbehind”






Schlapper tweets: “Excuse me while I spend the next few days constantly on Twitter and Tumblr vicariously attending ALA Midwinter. #FutureLibrarian”






Fake Library Stats tweets: “68% of librarians in Philadelphia will be legally drunk for the next 72 hours; 75% of those not in Philadelphia. #alamw14”







Bonus tweet:

Andy Woodworth tweets: “#alamw14 starts with the sorting of new librarians into their houses: Ravendemic, Hufflepublic, Gryffenschool, and Specialytherin.”








Please use #alamw14 and #alaleftbehind in your social media outlets!

See, hear, and read more about what’s going on at Midwinter—in real time and after. 

Twitter: @alamw and #alamw14



