Getting a Buzz from Book Buzz Theater

January 27, 2013

A simple fact about me: I can be a little set in my ways about what type of books I like to read. My mom has always told me I was a book snob. From an early age, she says, I would look at what she was reading, and make comments along the lines of, “Why are you reading this trash?”

It’s not snobbery. I just know what I like. So let’s just say I was more than a little surprised when I attended my first Book Buzz Theater session, and every title sounded brilliant. Even romances—and I don’t do romance!

That is the beauty of Book Buzz, which allows publishers the opportunity to sit down with a captive audience and promote the books that they are most excited about in the upcoming season. Each book is summarized in a brief high-energy snippet, which, like all well-done cliffhangers, leaves the audience wanting more.

Book Buzz helps get attendees out of their comfort zone and start considering what else is out there, which as we know is key in developing a well-rounded library collection. It certainly worked on me as a reader: I ended up walking away with a to-read list that incorporated my favorite genres (among them, contemporary and classic Japanese fiction and dystopian literature) as well as subject matter I would never have remotely considered before.  Amish crime, anyone?

Book Buzz is a great way to get a jump on what’s new and hot, and simply a lot of fun!

MEGAN MCFARLANE is coordinator of ALA’s Campaign for America’s Libraries.


2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting – Highlights So Far

A video compilation of the events of Midwinter so far, including Steven Johnson, Maureen Sullivan, Rich Harwood, Lisa Genova, Gregg Olsen, Terry Brooks, Ruth Ozeki, and ALA Presidential Candidates Courtney Young and Barbara Immroth.