Author Archive: Hallie Rich

ALA President Sari Feldman stopped by the photo booth in the ALA Lounge at Midwinter to show her support of the Libraries Transform campaign. Photo: Cognotes

Libraries Transform

March 1, 2016

The notion of telling and retelling the library story is at the heart of Libraries Transform, the American Library Association’s (ALA) new public awareness campaign. Libraries Transform is meant to give voice to the library profession, providing one clear, energizing message that showcases the transformative nature of libraries, elevating the critical role that libraries of … Continue reading Libraries Transform

Transforming the library profession

Transforming the Library Profession

June 9, 2015

The good news for libraries is that investment in drivers of inclusive growth—public services such as schools, libraries, and telecommunications infrastructure—represents a critically important risk mitigation strategy. Education and knowledge are essential to successful communities, organizations, and economies, and they represent the future for the information profession if, of course, library professionals keep pace with … Continue reading Transforming the Library Profession