Author Archive: Mario González

Mario Gonzalez

Financially Healthy

January 4, 2016

The final audit for the 2015 fiscal year will be presented at the 2016 Midwinter Meeting in Boston. However, I would like to share with you now that preliminary results show a positive outcome for the Association. Overall, revenues generated by ALA and its divisions were 5% higher than expected, while expenses were slightly lower. … Continue reading Financially Healthy

Mario Gonzalez

Financially Healthy

January 20, 2015

As I have said before, we continue to be completely transparent and regularly communicate with the membership about the finances of the Association. As you are aware, we entered the year with a cautious outlook; however, ALA’s management made a number of organizational and operational changes, to ensure that expenses would be in line with … Continue reading Financially Healthy

Mario Gonzalez

ALA: Dollars and Sense

November 11, 2013

This is my first column as ALA’s new treasurer, and I would like to use this opportunity to share with you my overall observations about ALA’s current financial situation. Despite the recession, ALA is a financially viable and financially solvent organization. One of these strengths is the fact that the Chicago headquarters—both 40 East Huron … Continue reading ALA: Dollars and Sense