ALA Connect Promotional Video

Promotional video for ALA Connect produced by the ALA Emerging Leaders Group I.FOR MORE INFORMATION:

September 15, 2009

Promotional video for ALA Connect produced by the ALA Emerging Leaders Group I.


Melina Marchetta Printz Awards speech

Melina Marchetta, author of the Printz Award-winning "Jellicoe Road," delivers a speech at the 2009 Michael L. Printz Awards, July 13, in Chicago.

Dog Loving Librarians Who Knit and Watch Lost: Creating Communities in ALA Connect

One in a series of introductory screencasts created by the ALA Emerging Leaders Group I FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://connect.ala.orgSo say you're a dog-loving librarian who likes to knit and watch Lost, and you're looking for other librarians who share your interests. But how do you find them?Sure, you could try using your expert web-searching skills, and maybe you'd even find a hit or two. Here's someone who enjoys Lost, knitting, and is a librarian, AND loves dogs. It's a perfect score.