American Libraries Online
AL Live, December 11: Connecting patrons to quality information
ALA News
We can haz cats! ALA's newest Pinterest board features library cats
Workshop: Reinventing the library for online education
Workshop: New sources of revenue
Wisconsin Library Association was born 123 years ago
Midwinter Meeting News
ASCLA Institute on using comics to promote literacy
Division News
ACRL publishes Owning and Using Scholarship
Alternative teaching models and student info literacy development
Immersion application deadline extended
Awards & Grants
2014 American Dream Starts @ your library grant recipients
Libraries in the News
New Birmingham (UK) library drastically cuts hours, staff
LC apologizes for "egregious lapse" in Twain book
Hanover County (Va.) makes teachers get permission for controversial books
Appoquinimink (Del.) makes students get parents' permission to read anything
Temple University unveils plans for new library
Burst pipe destroys thousands of school library books in Idaho
White House announces $1 billion in early-ed grants
Millions of student records sold in bankruptcy case
Clash in the stacks: The pace of academic library change
Tech Talk
Virtual Machines in a nutshell
Five ways to grow your digital fluency
When the computer mouse was new
The rise of digital poster sessions
Capstone tests bundled kids' ebooks
The promise and problems of the visual ebook
Books & Reading
51 of the most beautiful sentences in literature
Fantasy writers of color are on the rise
The difference between librarians and archaeologists
Tips & Ideas
Flipped Learning toolkit: Let's talk tech
Writers-in-residence at the public library
Follett Challenge deadline set for January 9
Middle school makes bookmarks for children in Mali, Peru, and Nepal
How to participate in the Students Rebuild Literacy Challenge
What we talk about when we talk about archives