Latest Library Links, February 13, 2015

News from ALA and the profession

February 13, 2015

Calgary library triples its security staff
Calgary library triples its security staff.

American Libraries Online

In Practice: Reuse, recycle, share

NetGain, for libraries and our communities

ALA News

Remembering David Cohen, 1909–2015

Annual Conference News

Saudi Arabian film director Haifaa al-Mansour will be a speaker

Division News

Three libraries benefit from YALSA’s Great Books Giveaway

AASL calls for IdeaLab best practices showcase

Awards & Grants

Robert A. Seal named 2015 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year

Libraries in the News

Highland Park school district overhauls its book selection policy

What went wrong in Highland Park?

Amy Johnson named Florida state librarian

Musical instruments circulate in Little Rock

Calgary library triples its security staff

Charges pending against two alleged library thieves in La Crosse

When Sudan banned libraries


Not in the clear: Libraries and privacy

The truth about contracts

Tech Talk

Boopsie improves library visibility in the mobile space

What happens when you post a photo to Instagram 90 times


Vint Cerf warns of loss of emails and digitized photos

National Agricultural Library and ASERL partner to digitize 875 journals

Books & Reading

How children learn to read

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with some recent YA romances

Bookish valentines from BiblioBoard

Comic Book Readership Archive at Illinois’ GSLIS

The 10 best horror books you’ve never read

Tips & Ideas

Google adds fact-checked medical info to searches

The 22 best co-op PC games


Princeton receives bequest of rare books worth $300 million.

Latest Library Links, February 17, 2015

News from ALA and the profession