ALA News
Gonzalez reports on FY 2014 year-end budget
ALA and ALIA presidents talk about games
40 students to be nominated for 2015 Student-to-Staff Program
Download the new Winter 2014 ALA Graphics catalog
Division News
Winners of the YALSA Maker contest
Awards & Grants
2014 New York Times Best Illustrated Books Awards
Libraries in the News
Dallas Public Library's new GED testing center
D.C. rethinks its central library plans
NYPL vs. King County: The battle of the book sorters
The muddy waters of the Georgia State ruling
Why your brain loves good storytelling
Seven privacy tools used in making the Snowden documentary
Is Facebook becoming the internet’s ultimate content cannibal?
Tech Talk
Top five problems with library websites
Apply by November 17 to receive a free 3D printer
ALA opposes ebook accessibility waiver petition
Ebooks in academic libraries: Challenges for sharing and use
The challenges of digital preservation
Video copyright registrations and the Library of Congress
EBSCO introduces Flipster for digital magazines
Books & Reading
Horror survival skills from YA books
Digging up the dead in literature
Tips & Ideas
New to your school? Advertise your librarian skills
Connected learning design principles
Queens Library says hello in almost any language
10 tips on learning a new language
Halloween postcards at the American Antiquarian Society
Castle of Light: The making of the new National Library of Latvia (video)