In no particular order, here are some of the tweets that I thought hit on the big themes of LITA Forum 2009–and some that were funny enough not to leave out. They’re very lightly edited at times. My notes are in italic.
eligerman first step is to admit you have a problem (On changes to organizational cultures in IT)
vkline Running naked through the stacks? Ah… IT perceptions of rogue librarians!
mfrisque If you are are always chasing your users you will not catch them. Make environments they want to be in and they will come. (Highly retweeted comment from Liz Lawley’s closing keynote. Her library has an eclectically furnished, locally run coffee shop with *real* furniture, not stuff from Demco)
bmljenny I would like to propose a moratorium on dumping on reference librarians. Let’s dump on gov docs libns instead
kurtwagner I was confused whether the session “A Hands On Approach to Conversion” was for lib-tech/LITA or LDS folks
mgoldner gave up on tweeting because good info and ideas are coming too fast
lisacarlucci i’ll be ordering dessert first at the #litaforum networking dinner.
mosylu what about the things that we’re afraid of finding? they’re out there too. apropos of nothing, Banned Book week ends today
vkline Wouldn’t it be nice if our new ideas excited others rather than alarming them. (The future of libraries is IT)
jaimebc: At what point will ideas be serious, not “young”?
lisacarlucci “dont get caught thinking technology is the answer- its the innovative use of tech thats the answer”- @mgoldner (Likely the most-tweeted quote of the conference came out of a last-minute Lightning Talk by OCLC’s Matt Goldner)
andrewkpace #litaforum heard at the Forum: “best Forum ever…best *conference* ever…”