Luis Alberto Urrea at the PLA National Conference

Author Luis Alberto Urrea speaks to American Libraries about how libraries helped him to build his career and about why people who don't use libraries should. More ALA videos at

April 6, 2010

Author Luis Alberto Urrea speaks to American Libraries about how libraries helped him to build his career and about why people who don’t use libraries should. More ALA videos at


PLA’s President at the PLA National Conference

At the PLA National Conference in Portland Oregon, PLA President Sari Feldman speaks to American Libraries Editor Leonard Kniffel about the new Gates Foundation study, "Opportunity for All: How the American Public Benefits from Internet Access at U.S. Libraries", which was released the first day of the conference, as well as about Natalie Merchant and about how conferences help librarians struggling in tough economic times.

Luis Alberto Urrea en español

En la Biblioteca Pública de la Asociación Nacional de la Conferencia en Portland, Oregon, el autor Luis Alberto Urrea analiza cómo las bibliotecas ayudaron a construir su carrera y por qué todo el mundo debería dar su colección de un intento. Más American Library Association vídeos