Dressed in Viking armor and braids and performing to "Ride of the Valkyries," the Oak Park (Ill.) Public Library Warrior Librarians took first place in the fifth annual Library Book Cart Drill Team Championship, winning a gold book cart from sponsor Demco before a standing-room-only crowd. For the first time, two teams tied for first place in the judge's scoring. Oak Park was selected over the Cart Wheels from Des Plaines (Ill.) Public Library in an audience vote. The Cart Wheels won a silver book cart for their Grease-themed program, while the Steel City Kings from the University of Pittsburgh took third and a bronze book cart, performing to Elvis Presley's "A Little Less Conversation."
The results were in spite of a bit of pre-show trash-talking from the Delaware Diamonds, who distributed stickers and pins to the crowd before the competition. Mo Willems and Jon Scieszka (wearing a giant "Ambassador" sash, in recognition of his position as National Ambassador for Young People's Literature) provided color commentary for the event.
Valkyries Ride to Drill Team Victory
July 12, 2009