TechSource Gaming, Libraries, and Learning Symposium, Day 2

November 3, 2008

Today was the major day of the symposium, with a keynote and seven rounds of concurrent sessions. Because of the sheer number, today's post is going to cover highlights rather than a comprehensive review. Keynote "Grand Theft Childhood? Real Data on Violent Video Games and Youth" Lawrence Kutner, Center for Mental Health and Media, Department … Continue reading TechSource Gaming, Libraries, and Learning Symposium, Day 2

ALA TechSource Gaming, Libraries, and Learning Symposium, Day 1

November 2, 2008

ALA TechSources Gaming, Libraries, and Learning Symposium runs through Tuesday in Oak Brook, Illinois. I'll be posting recaps every evening. There were no concurrent sessions today; all of the speeches adressed the full symposium. Opening Keynote Marc Prensky "Don't Bother Me Mom, I'm Learning: How Computer and Video Games are Preparing Kids for 21st Century … Continue reading ALA TechSource Gaming, Libraries, and Learning Symposium, Day 1

Games as Art, Games as Education

October 31, 2008

Gaming is much on my mind, with gaming programming at the recent LITA Forum, American Libraries' December issue having a gaming theme, and the ALA TechSource Gaming, Learning, and Libraries Symposium beginning on Sunday. (I’ll be attending, so check here for daily reports.) The idea of gaming in libraries gets a lot of pushback. (All together now: … Continue reading Games as Art, Games as Education

The Vindication of Bernard Margolis

October 24, 2008

The ALA Council discussion list was abuzz this week with praise and congratulations for councilor Bernard Margolis following the October 21 announcement that the embattled former president of Boston Public Library had been appointed state librarian of New York. “We welcome you with open arms,” said Barbara Stripling, director of library services for the New … Continue reading The Vindication of Bernard Margolis

LITA National Forum Video

October 22, 2008

One last bit from LITA: the video. It features Tim Spalding, Michael Porter, Dinah Sanders, Nicholas Schiller, Conference Chair Dale Poulter, and LITA president Andrew Pace, as well as a very brief snippet (under the opening title) of the blackjack-for-grapes game that broke out at the Open Gaming Night. From AL Focus.

LITA National Forum: Technology and Community

October 22, 2008

A video review of the Library and Information Technology Association’s 2008 National Forum, “Technology and Community: Building the Techno Community Library”, held October 17-19 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Included are general session speakers Michael Porter and Tim Spalding, session presenters Dinah Sanders and Nicholas Schiller, Conference Chair Dale Poulter, and LITA President Andrew Pace. More ALA … Continue reading LITA National Forum: Technology and Community

LITA Forum, Day 3

October 19, 2008

Concurrent Session 6 "Participation and Power: Combining Community Features with Existing Metadata in Next Generation Public Interfaces" Dinah Sanders, Innovative Interfaces, and Kelly Vickery, University of Kentucky Sanders and Vickery discussed using community tagging to complement existing library catalogs. In 2007 the University of Kentucky installed Innovative's Encore system, which incorporates community tagging features. "[Libraries] … Continue reading LITA Forum, Day 3

LITA Forum, Day 2

October 18, 2008

General Session Michael Porter, WebJunction "Hi-Fi-Sci-Fi Library: Technology, Convergence, Content, Community, Ubiquity, and Library." There's a decent chance you've seen the "Hi-Fi-Sci-Fi Library" video that Porter and David Lee King of Topeka and Shawnee County (Kans.) Public Library made in August. If not, or if you just want the catchy hook again, see it here. … Continue reading LITA Forum, Day 2

LITA Forum, Day 1

October 17, 2008

I'm in Cincinnati for the Library and Information Technology Association National Forum. Here's my first report; I'll be posting every evening. Opening General Session Tim Spalding, "What is Social Cataloging and Where is it Going?"  Spalding got a laugh off the bat by promising not to define the term "Social Cataloging"—accompanying his villainy with … Continue reading LITA Forum, Day 1

Vartan Gregorian on Library Funding

October 16, 2008

I talked with Vartan Gregorian, president of Carnegie Corporation of New York, yesterday afternoon about the library funding outlook. The view from the man often credited with making library fundraising chic (as president of the New York Public Library for eight years from 1981 to 1989) was optimistic but modulated by some pretty shocking numbers. … Continue reading Vartan Gregorian on Library Funding

A Patron-Eye View

October 16, 2008

I recently saw an excellent proposal from Brian Herzog at Swiss Army Librarian for "Work Like a Patron" day. As the name suggests, the day entails librarians working, as much as possible, as patrons—using public computers, meeting in public meeting rooms, and using public restrooms, to help see the library as patrons do. One addendum … Continue reading A Patron-Eye View