10 Tips for Tracking Trends

May 11, 2010

As a public library director I spend a great deal of time searching out ways to keep my library relevant in today’s fast-changing environment. I’ve found that one method to do this is to keep myself current about societal trends and to strategize regularly about how my library might ride the wave of those trends … Continue reading 10 Tips for Tracking Trends

Build Your Own Instructional Literacy

April 30, 2010

Face it: Teaching is hard. It’s hard from any angle, using any technology, to any learner. Even for those enviable (and few) “natural teachers,” being an educator is as at least as challenging as it is rewarding. Not only does teaching take skills, preparation, and diligence; it demands bravery, humor, and self-awareness. Now more than … Continue reading Build Your Own Instructional Literacy

Will Social Media Activism Rescue Besieged Libraries?

April 20, 2010

Library workers and supporters nationwide are turning to social media to spread the word about proposed funding cuts and recruit advocates. Despite what looks to be a very bleak FY2011, social media blitzes to stave off cuts for the current fiscal year may have laid some groundwork toward influencing budgetmakers. In March, the Charlotte (N.C.) … Continue reading Will Social Media Activism Rescue Besieged Libraries?

Fixing the Federal Depository Library Program

April 16, 2010

In April 2009, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) released its updated Federal Depository Library Program Strategic Plan, 2009–2014 (PDF file), which summarizes the current condition of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) and posits a future for the program in which depository libraries will be significant providers of current and historical government information. Many … Continue reading Fixing the Federal Depository Library Program

Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can Do More, Volunteer

April 16, 2010

The world is in fiscal meltdown, with libraries feeling the heat. Layoffs and budget cuts in Philadelphia, threatened branch closings in Boston, reduced hours and services in Charlotte, North Carolina: These big stories overshadow how commonly we simply lose staff without being able to afford to replace them. According to a survey conducted last fall … Continue reading Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can Do More, Volunteer

Award Winning Author Katherine Paterson Is Ambassador for Children’s Reading

April 16, 2010

Katherine Paterson, two-time winner of both the National Book Award (The Great Gilly Hopkins and The Master Puppeteer) and Newbery Medal (Bridge to Terabithia and Jacob Have I loved), is the second person to be named National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature by Librarian of Congress James H. Billington. She takes over for children’s author … Continue reading Award Winning Author Katherine Paterson Is Ambassador for Children’s Reading

A Literature of Risk

April 15, 2010

Risky behaviors remain very real factors in the daily lives of 21st-century  teens. Ranging from physical and emotional violence to drug and alcohol abuse, from risky sexual practices resulting in STDs and unintended pregnancies to driving recklessly and carrying weapons to school, these behaviors make up the main threat to adolescents’ health, according to the … Continue reading A Literature of Risk

Gates Foundation, IMLS Research Proves Value of Online Access

April 14, 2010

The economic downturn has led to dramatic increases in library visitation across the nation, including unprecedented demand for free computer and internet access. Over the last year, Americans have flocked to libraries to get online and find help from trained staff to conduct job searches, complete online coursework, apply for government services, and learn new … Continue reading Gates Foundation, IMLS Research Proves Value of Online Access

Remodeling on a Budget

April 12, 2010

A review of recent plans and completed projects at a variety of California libraries instills a sense of excitement about the possibilities inherent in taking a low-cost approach to the remodeling of libraries. Interviews with sources involved with recent projects throughout the state reveal much of the thinking that has guided successful fiscally frugal remodeling … Continue reading Remodeling on a Budget

Everyday Existence

April 11, 2010

A confession: I am a library freak.  I believe deeply in the importance of libraries and think of librarians as some of the most amazing, committed, brilliant, and radical professionals I’ve ever been lucky enough to meet and work with. I believe that the future of the organization I founded, StoryCorps, will be tightly entwined … Continue reading Everyday Existence

A Circulation Renovation Cuts Expenses

April 8, 2010

With public funding becoming less available throughout the country, libraries are looking for ways to trim their current and future budgets. One library is using popular new technology to reduce staff costs, one of the biggest items in any library’s budget: The St. Joseph County Public Library in South Bend, Indiana, recently renovated the circulation … Continue reading A Circulation Renovation Cuts Expenses