George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida in Gainesville were recently awarded a $288,000 supplemental grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to digitize more than 100,000 pages of historic newspapers in the Florida and Puerto Rico Digital Newspaper Project. The award follows a $325,000 grant for the project the libraries received in 2013.
John Lehner, associate dean of personnel, planning, and systems at the University of Houston Libraries, was named the recipient of the libraries’ inaugural Ambassador Kenneth Franzheim II Endowed Library Professorship, which recognizes individuals who have advanced their discipline and are regarded for leadership. The professorship is effective April 1.
Jay Turner, director of continuing education for Georgia Public Library Service, received the Georgia Library Association’s Nix-Jones Award for substantial contributions to the library profession October 2.
Tessa Michaelson Schmidt, youth and special services consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in Madison, was named 2014 Librarian of the Year by the Wisconsin Library Association.
The Geoscience Information Society awarded Lura E. Joseph, content access and research services librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, its Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award in October.
Hartford (Conn.) Public Library received the US Small Business Association’s Eagle Award as an outstanding resource October 29.
Mirah Dow, professor in the School of Library and Information Management at Emporia (Kans.) State University, received the Kansas Association of School Librarians Vision Award at its conference in October.
June 21 Lorcan Dempsey, vice president and chief strategiest of OCLC Research in Dublin, Ohio, received an honorary doctorate from the Open University in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Andrea Francisco, librarian at Forest Avenue Elementary School in West Babylon, New York, received the Western Suffolk BOCES School Library System’s School Library Media Specialist of the Year Award in May.
Frederick J. Stielow, vice president and dean emeritus of libraries, electronic course materials, and ePress for the American Public University System, has been inducted as a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists.
Robert Newlen, assistant law librarian at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., received the Sons of the American Revolution Silver Good Citizenship Medal May 17.
Kyla Johnson, librarian at Farmington (N.M.) High School, has been awarded a 2014–2015 Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Grant to conduct research in the United Kingdom.