Russell Bowden, 81, deputy chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) for almost 20 years, died January 27. Bowden was an active member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), serving on its executive board 1989–1995 and as first vice president 1991–1995; he founded the Management of Library Associations Section in 1983. He was made an honorary fellow of IFLA in 1995. Prior to joining CILIP, Bowden was a British Council Librarian from 1958 to 1974 in Iraq, India, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka. After retiring from CILIP in 1994, he lived in Sri Lanka and served on a number of LIS-related governing boards and committees for the Sri Lanka Library Association, the National Institute of Library and Information Sciences, and the National Library of Sri Lanka.