Fire Closes Cathedral City Library
A February 1 roof fire caused an estimated $2 million in damage to the roof of Cathedral City (Calif.) Library, forcing its closure for an estimated six to eight weeks.
The fire took place late in the evening and was extinguished within 40 minutes. It was caused by roofing repairs performed that day that used propane torches for welding, the Palm Springs Desert Sun reported February 8. The library suffered a hole burned in the roof and interior water damage from the sprinklers that affected the entire collection.
“The fire is unfortunate, but it could’ve been a lot worse,” said Cathedral City Administrative Services Director Tami Scott in the February 3 Desert Sun. “We could’ve lost the whole building and didn’t.”
Cathedral City Library is part of the Riverside County Library System, and residents can use the system’s 32 other branches. While the building is closed, nearby Palm Springs Public Library has also offered to issue cards and provide services to Cathedral City residents.
The library’s entire 75,000-item collection has been sent to Thousand Palmsbased Flood Response for freeze drying.
Posted on February 8, 2008. Discuss.