
Panigabutra-Roberts, Joy

May 16, 2017

Joy Panigabutra-Roberts joined the University of Tennessee Libraries in Knoxville as head of cataloging and metadata services in January.

Sánchez, Jane

May 16, 2017

The Library of Congress named Jane Sánchez as law librarian of Congress, effective February 5.

Shepard, Allison

May 16, 2017

January 1 Allison Shepard joined the University of Tennessee Libraries in Knoxville as online learning librarian.

Ferguson, Kayla

May 16, 2017

January 16 Kayla Ferguson became children’s librarian at Dubuque County (Iowa) Library District.

Thompson, Karl

May 16, 2017

January 31 Karl Thompson retired as assistant manager of Whatcom County (Wash.) Library System’s Lynden Library.

Ness, Kathy

May 16, 2017

In January Kathy Ness retired as children’s librarian at Northfield (Minn.) Public Library.

Ikemoto, Karen

May 16, 2017

January 9 Karen Ikemoto retired as librarian at Hawaii State Public Library System’s Hanapepe Public Library.

Broome, Gail

May 16, 2017

Gail Broome retired in January from Degenstein Community Library in Sunbury, Pennsylvania.

Wright, Deborah

May 16, 2017

Prince William (Va.) Public Library System promoted Deborah Wright to director in February.

Williams, Karen

May 16, 2017

Karen Williams was named vice president for information strategy and university libraries at the University of Arizona in Tucson February 7.

Walters, Susan

May 16, 2017

Richmond (B.C.) Public Library promoted Susan Walters to chief librarian effective January 23.

Fleckenstein, Jan

May 16, 2017

Jan Fleckenstein was appointed associate teaching professor of law and director of the Syracuse (N.Y.) University College of Law Library in January.