
McDonald, Robert

September 17, 2018

August 1 Robert H. McDonald became dean of university libraries at University of Colorado Boulder.

Reid, Benjamin

September 17, 2018

Benjamin Reid became manager of Columbus (Ohio) Metropolitan Library’s New Albany branch in July.

Retherford, Julie

September 17, 2018

July 1 Julie Retherford joined Chetco Community Public Library in Brookings, Oregon, as director.

Rylance, Keli

September 17, 2018

In June St. Louis Art Museum appointed Keli Rylance as head librarian, overseeing Richardson Memorial Library and the museum’s archives.

Slone, Jennifer

September 17, 2018

Jennifer Slone became access team leader at Chillicothe and Ross County (Ohio) Public Library in June.

Villagran, Michele

September 17, 2018

Michele A. L. Villagran joined San José (Calif.) State University School of Information as assistant professor in August.

Andreu, Frances

September 17, 2018

The Society for Scholarly Publishing has awarded Frances Andreu, digital initiatives librarian at Rochester (N.Y.) Institute of Technology, an Early-Career Fellowship.

Pellowski, Anne

September 17, 2018

Author and former librarian Anne Pellowski is the subject of a documentary, Anne Pellowski: Storyteller to the World, which won the People’s Choice Award at the Frozen River Film Festival in Winona, Minnesota, in February.

Rochester Institute of Technology Libraries

September 17, 2018

Rochester Regional Library Council has named Rochester (N.Y.) Institute of Technology Libraries as its 2018 Academic Library of the Year.

Vandegrift, Micah

September 17, 2018

Micah Vandegrift, open knowledge librarian at North Carolina State University Libraries in Raleigh, has been named a 2018–2019 Fulbright-Schuman Innovation Fellow studying open research practices and infrastructure in the Netherlands and Denmark.

Alteri, Susan

September 17, 2018

Susan Alteri was promoted to associate university librarian at the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries in Gainesville July 1.

Buhler, Amy

September 17, 2018

Amy Buhler was promoted to university librarian at the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries in Gainesville July 1.