Conference on Privacy and Youth: Day 2

March 25, 2011

London-based blogger, science-fiction author, and digital-rights champion Cory Doctorow opened Day 2 of the Conference on Privacy and Youth via Skype. “There comes a day when kids have to use their good judgment,” he said, arguing that adults are unwittingly undermining that goal by berating young people to guard their personal information while subjecting them … Continue reading Conference on Privacy and Youth: Day 2

E-Book Blues

March 4, 2011

Over the past eight days, the biblioblogosphere erupted as word spread that terms of service were about to shift for libraries’ e-book lending rights. It began with a February 24 email (PDF file) from OverDrive CEO Steve Potash alerting customers that “Publishers are expressing concern and debating their digital future where a single eBook license … Continue reading E-Book Blues

Action Alert: Protect Library Funding, ALA President Urges Library Community

February 25, 2011

In anticipation of the U.S. Senate reconvening February 28, American Library Association President Roberta Stevens has issued this call to action through ALA’s Washington Office: “I am writing to you today to enlist your participation in an association-wide advocacy campaign to protect funding for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the Improving Literacy … Continue reading Action Alert: Protect Library Funding, ALA President Urges Library Community

Council II: Association Programmatic Priorities for 2015 Approved

January 11, 2011

In its second session, ALA’s governing Council approved 2015 Programmatic Priorities, offered by ALA Treasurer Jim Neal (Council Document #13). The priorities are: diversity; equitable access to information and library services; education and lifelong learning; intellectual freedom; advocacy for libraries and the profession; literacy; organizational excellence; and transforming libraries. As finances seem to be heading in … Continue reading Council II: Association Programmatic Priorities for 2015 Approved

New Congress Still Offers Opportunities for Libraries

January 9, 2011

“Libraries have traditionally done well under Republicans,” according to ALA Washington Office Director Emily Sheketoff, who told those attending the Washington Office Update Break-Out Session, “New Congress, New Challenges,” that “all is not bleak, but all is not well either.” Casey Dominguez, assistant professor of political science at the University of San Diego, provided an … Continue reading New Congress Still Offers Opportunities for Libraries

Council I: Domestic Partner Job Listing Measure Passes

January 9, 2011

A measure that encourages clarification within job listings as to the presence or absence of domestic partner benefits was the sole action taken by the ALA’s governing Council during its first session today. Introduced by Peter Hepburn, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table councilor, the resolution (Council Document #35) originally called for requiring potential … Continue reading Council I: Domestic Partner Job Listing Measure Passes

Ted Danson on the Environment: No Doom and Gloom

January 9, 2011

“Don’t focus on the negative and scary,” actor Ted Danson advised at Roberta Stevens's President’s Program today during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Diego. In conversation with Stevens, the Emmy–award winning television and movie star and oceanic environmental activist warned of the perils of over-fishing, saying “the clock is ticking,” but “the problems are … Continue reading Ted Danson on the Environment: No Doom and Gloom