Associations of Color Provide Value to Minority Communities

June 29, 2010

"Associations of color can take the responsibility of sharpening their tools for maximal benefit to minority library users as well as those who are trained or in training to support them," said Satia Orange, former director of the American Library Association's Office for Literacy and Outreach Service. She served as keynote speaker for "Sky is the … Continue reading Associations of Color Provide Value to Minority Communities

ALA Treasurer Says New Business Still Key for Association’s Financial Strength

June 29, 2010

"As we experience the worst recession in 80 years, we need to deal with the immediate challenges of downsizing and getting through tough times," outgoing American Library Association Treasurer Rod Hersberger told the the Association's governing Council. "Through prudent management of our resources, we can leverage the Association's financial strength (to support new business development) and … Continue reading ALA Treasurer Says New Business Still Key for Association’s Financial Strength

Black Caucus Celebates 40 Years with Tribute to E. J. Josey, Effie Lee Morris

June 28, 2010

With a tribute to its founder, the late E. J. Josey, and children's library services advocate the late Effie Lee Morris, the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA) celebrated 40 years of service to African-American librarianship at a gala event at the Historical Society of Washington during Annual Conference. W. Paul Coates, founder … Continue reading Black Caucus Celebates 40 Years with Tribute to E. J. Josey, Effie Lee Morris

Council Ends Session Early; Cheers Preliminary Attendance Figures

June 27, 2010

The American Library Association's governing Council tackled a full agenda in record time during its first session and cheered the preliminary figures that might signal a second-in-row record-breaking conference. Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels reported that as of Saturday, June 26, total attendance was 25,444, compared with 27,353 during the same time for the 2009 … Continue reading Council Ends Session Early; Cheers Preliminary Attendance Figures

ALA Unites to Grant a Wish

June 27, 2010

ALA President Camila Alire hosted a once-in-a-lifetime "make-a-wish" luncheon for a special young lady who decribes herself as "crazy about books and reading." Laura Rodgers, 9, from Lebanon, Indiana, suffers from Mitochondrial Disease and contacted the Association regarding her desire to attend Annual Conference.  Neither she nor her mother mentioned the disease, but her social worker called to explain why … Continue reading ALA Unites to Grant a Wish

Off to Read the Wizard

June 27, 2010

It's difficult to miss the OverDrive Digital Bookmobile, which is stationed in the corner of a large parking lot across the street from the Washington Convention Center. But inside is not just the expected product information. The Digital Bookmobile is also home to a project called Lend Your Voice. "Lend Your Voice is a community-sourced … Continue reading Off to Read the Wizard

Toni Morrison Opens ALA 2010, Delivers Quote of the Day

June 27, 2010

Nobel Prize–winning author Toni Morrison capped a splendid Opening General Session at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., yesterday with what has to be the quote of the year. After charming the audience with her recollections about the libraries of her youth, she noted her respect for the technology and the contemporary library, ending … Continue reading Toni Morrison Opens ALA 2010, Delivers Quote of the Day

Research, Research Everywhere

June 26, 2010

A number of poster sessions at Annual provide librarians and library students the opportunity to share research projects. Yesterday, the Emerging Leaders had their turn, at a reception where they showed off the group projects undertaken as part of the EL program. All of the Emerging Leaders' projects are available at, and AL interviews about four … Continue reading Research, Research Everywhere