Teen Sex Guide Withstands Physician’s Review
After a patron’s complaint led to a review, the director of the Galway (N.Y.) Public Library has decided that a sex and dating guide for young teenage girls will remain on the shelves.
Hang-Ups, Hook-Ups, and Holding Out: Stuff You Need to Know about Your Body, Sex, and Dating was removed after the library board’s August 6 meeting, at which patron Patricia Venditti raised questions about the book’s “factual errors, philosophy, and perceived bias,” according to the minutes. Hang-Ups, Hook-Ups, and Holding Out is part of the Girlology series for young adults written by gynecologist Melisa Holmes and pediatrician Trish Hutchison.
Poulin checked the book out to read it and then asked Anneke Pribis, a physician at the Galway Family Health clinic, to review it. “The book has gotten excellent reviews, and Dr. Pribis said she found no factual errors,” Poulin said in the October 16 Schenectady Daily Gazette. She added that, although some trustees reported that people questioned them about why the book was being reconsidered, “I haven’t heard any complaints at all.”
“It was not out of circulation, it was being reviewed and was still part of the collection,” said board of trustees President Joanna Lasher. “Our policies state that if a patron is unhappy with some material at the library, they can approach the board. The director makes the decision, according to our collections policy.”
Posted on October 21, 2008. Discuss.