Union University Library OK in Tennessee Tornado
Tornadoes that rampaged across three states February 5, killing 44 people, struck hard at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. College President David S. Dockery credited emergency planning and broadcast warnings in the tornado-prone region with preventing fatalities, but the school’s dormitories were severely hit and academic and administrative buildings destroyed. The university’s Emma Waters Summar Library, however, was unharmed.
“Damage to campus is estimated to be about $40 million,” said Steven L. Baker, library director and associate vice president for academic resources. “Damage spread across 17 buildings,” he told American Libraries. “Roughly 80% of our dorm units are completely destroyed. There was no damage whatsoever to the main library; however, a small departmental collection in one of the heavily damaged buildings did suffer water damage.”
Baker added that the personal books and papers of some faculty were affected. “All materials that were salvageable have now been removed to a climate-controlled location for air drying,” he said. “There may be a few irreplaceable items that will need the attention of professional conservators. We are in consultation about that possibility.”
Union University has created a special disaster recovery web page with current information about the situation. “The outpouring of genuine concern has been a great encouragement,” Baker noted.
Posted on February 12, 2008. Discuss.