Call Number Podcast: Sunny San Diego

Episode 96 explores “America’s Finest City” ahead of Annual Conference

Graphic of Field Guides with Jessica Jones Capparell's headshot

Elect to Protect Democracy

ALA, League of Women Voters team up to help voters

Advocates and lawmakers met during the American Library Association’s (ALA) legislative fly-in, held March 5–7 in Washington, D.C. From left: Jason Homer, executive director of Worcester (Mass.) Public Library; Maria McCauley, director of Cambridge (Mass.) Public Library; US Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.); and Gavin Baker, deputy director for public policy and government relations in ALA’s Public Policy and Advocacy Office.

Advocates Rally to Fund Libraries

ALA sees 20,000 messages to Congress during “Dear Appropriator” campaign

Craft & Hobby logo with polaroid-style images of crafts including crochet and fashion

Spring into Summer with Crafts

Find project ideas for take-and-makes, makerspaces, and classes from Craft & Hobby

Sip, Sip, Hooray
Libraries host high-tea events for history fans

Shaking Up Science
Library programs help researchers communicate with new audiences

Prioritizing Trans Privacy
How to safeguard trans and gender-nonconforming library users’ information

Working for Well-Being
Libraries invite innovative approaches to maximize mental health

Inclusive Early Literacy
Reaching informal caregivers with library resources

Seeking Sanctuary
Public libraries establish themselves as book sanctuaries to counter bans

A Taste of San Diego
Whether set by the sea or inland, these SoCal restaurants serve up great meals

2024 Annual Conference Preview
San Diego | June 27–July 2

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