On Sunday, ALA President Sari Feldman called the Council I meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.
The 2016 Midwinter Meeting minutes were accepted with one correction (CD#2.1).
President-Elect Julie B. Todaro, chair of the 2015–2016 Committee on Committees, presented the candidates for the 2016–2017 Council Committee on Committees election (CD#12). The nominees are Diane R. Chen, Ed Garcia, Cyndee Sturgis Landrum, Hanna K. Lee, Kimberly Ann Patton, Alexandra P. Rivera, Sandy Wee, and Christian Zabriskie.
Todaro then presented the nominees for the 2016–2017 Planning and Budget Assembly Council representatives (CD#12.1). The chapter councilor nominees are Carl A. Antonucci, Majed J. Khader, Dale K. McNeill, and Nicole Sump-Crether; two chapter councilors will be elected for two-year terms (2016–2018). The nominees for councilor-at-large are Tamika Barnes, Eboni Henry, Kathy Hicks-Brooks, Leo S. Lo, Lessa K. Pelayo-Lozada, and Michael Santangelo; three councilors-at-large will be elected for two-year terms (2016–2018).
Todaro appointed the tellers for the ALA Council elections to the 2016–2017 Committee on Committees and the Planning and Budget Assembly (CD#12.2): Vivian Bordeaux, Patricia M. Hogan, Pauline Manaka, and William (Bill) E. Sidduth, III (chair).
ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels introduced Chris Murphy, the new publisher of ALA Editions. Fiels then reviewed Executive Board actions since the 2016 Midwinter Meeting and the ALA Spring Meeting (CDs#15.1 and #15.2). He also presented the 2016 Midwinter Implementation Report (CD#9.1).
Council overwhelmingly passed a Resolution Calling on Libraries to Build More Inclusive Communities (CD#44) and a Resolution in Support of the Professional Cataloging Processing and Determinations of the Library of Congress (CD#39).
Two resolutions—a Resolution on Gun Violence Affecting Libraries, Library Workers, and Library Patrons (CD#45) and Resolution Concerning the Creation of the Deaf Culture Digital Library (CD#46)—referred to committees to report back at Council III. A Resolution Concerning the Role of Chapters in the American Library Association (CD#40R) was moved to the Council II agenda.
Councilors participated in a brainstorming discussion on Libraries Transform, led by Hallie Rich, communications and external relations director at Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public Library.
Thirty minutes were added to the Council III meeting time, which will now run 7:45–9:45 a.m. on Tuesday.
Fiels reported that there were 16,377 registrants at Annual; 22,363 attended in San Francisco in 2015, and 19,639 attended in Las Vegas in 2014.
The meeting adjourned at 11:04 a.m.