Author Archive: Peter Hepburn

Peter Hepburn headshot

Moving Forward on Finances

January 2, 2025

For one, I’m proud of finishing the work started under my predecessor, Maggie Farrell, on the financial piece of the American Library Association (ALA) Operating Agreement, which governs the relationship between ALA and its membership divisions. I’m also pleased with the progress made in improving communication within the Association on finances. I am not, however, … Continue reading Moving Forward on Finances

Peter Hepburn headshot

A Time of Transition

January 2, 2024

I’ve shifted from lightweight outfits to the heavier sweaters of the season. Autumn is, after all, a time of transition—which is something our Association is currently experiencing. Transition can be unsettling, yes, but it is also an opportunity to step back, take stock, and lay the foundation for what will follow. As we work with … Continue reading A Time of Transition

Peter Hepburn headshot

ALA Finances on Track

January 3, 2023

As the new calendar year begins, I am carrying that optimism forward. We are approximately one-third of the way through the American Library Association’s (ALA) fiscal year, which runs from September 1, 2022, to August 31. The most uncertain days of the pandemic seem to be behind us. Like many of our libraries and, indeed, many … Continue reading ALA Finances on Track

Peter Hepburn

Meet the Candidate for ALA Treasurer: Peter Hepburn

March 1, 2022

In recent years, ALA has experienced declining membership and conference attendance. Publishing, another key revenue stream, has struggled to meet its projections. ALA sold its Chicago headquarters, trading the expense of maintaining and upgrading that building for the obligation of a long-term lease. And there have been changes in key personnel in the Finance office. … Continue reading Meet the Candidate for ALA Treasurer: Peter Hepburn