Simon & Schuster Allows Opt-in to “Buy It Now” Program

ALA welcomes the change

November 20, 2014

ALA and its Digital Content Working Group (DCWG) welcomes Simon & Schuster’s announcement that it will allow libraries to opt into the publisher’s “Buy It Now” program. Simon & Schuster began offering all of its ebook titles for library lending nationwide in June 2014, but with required participation in the “Buy It Now” merchandising program, which enables library users to directly purchase a title rather than check it out from the library.

“From the beginning, the ALA has advocated for the broadest and most affordable library access to e-titles, as well as licensing terms that give libraries flexibility to best meet their community needs,” said ALA President Courtney Young. “We appreciate that Simon & Schuster is modifying its library ebook program to provide libraries a choice in whether or not to participate in Buy It Now. Providing options like these allow libraries to enable digital access while also respecting local norms or policies.

“This change also speaks to the importance of sustaining conversations among librarians, publishers, distributors, and authors to continue advancing our shared goals of connecting writers and readers,” Young added. “We are still in the early days of this digital publishing revolution, and we hope we can co-create solutions that expand access, increase readership, and improve exposure for diverse and emerging voices,” said DCWG Cochairs Carolyn Anthony and Erika Linke. “Many challenges remain including high prices, privacy concerns, and other terms under which ebooks are offered to libraries. We are continuing our discussions with publishers.”

Simon & Schuster ebooks are available for lending for one year from the date of purchase.

JAZZY WRIGHT is the press officer of the ALA Washington Office.