ALA President Camila Alire hosted a once-in-a-lifetime "make-a-wish" luncheon for a special young lady who decribes herself as "crazy about books and reading."
Laura Rodgers, 9, from Lebanon, Indiana, suffers from Mitochondrial Disease and contacted the Association regarding her desire to attend Annual Conference. Neither she nor her mother mentioned the disease, but her social worker called to explain why this would make her happy since she has only a few years to live.
She has created a blog (lauramitolife.blogspot.com) and has read all of the Newbery Medal winners. "Looking at the program, all of this cost TONS of money," Laura wrote. "But, I saw a thing about a media badge on the website. I plan to report on everything I do on my blog and I wondered if that counts for getting a media badge."
In addition to the luncheon, several ALA units provided gifts for Laura–the Association for Library Service to Children, the Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, and the Young Adult Library Services Association.
Listen to an interview with Laura by American Libraries Associate Editor Pamela A. Goodes on the Annual Conference coverage stream.