#alamw13 Top 10 (in hexadecimal) Tweets – Day 1 (Friday)

January 26, 2013

The late Douglas Adams was once forced to insist he didn’t write jokes in base 13. There’s been so much great tweeting coming out of Seattle, though, so in order to narrow it down to a Top 10 we had to fudge a bit and work in base 16.

Work got started today, with the Unconference and discussion of topics ranging from Aaron Swartz to video archiving to the ERT Author Forum to the exhibits opening. Many attendees shared their #librarianing experiences. There’s also love for the weather (quite possibly an ALA event first) and Seattle’s food and drink, sadness from the #alaleftbehind, and un-love for stray gum.

This plane is full of librarians. I hope there is some sort of reference emergency en route.

Wherein I identify librarians for the bartender, so she'll be ready for the weekend. #alamw13 #librarianing

One does not simply walk into #unalamw13... Or does one? Are latecomers welcome? #alamw13

Here's the link to the #unalamw13 notes and discussion #alamw13

(Here’s that direct link to the Unconference notes.)

Councillor Adriene Lim reading from Council memorial resolution regarding Aaron Swartz. #rss #openaccess #stopsopa #litabd #alamw13

Any library system vendor that doesn't publish their API might as well not have one #alamw13

You know there's not a whole lot of difference between being a trial lawyer and writing fantasy. -Terry Brooks #alamw13

I have so much galley envy right now. #alamw13 #alamw13leftbehind #Lucky13s #librarianproblems

Thank you, Seattle, for reminding me that temperatures do really go above 30 degrees still. #alamw13

All signs point to my Twitter feed being full of vegan food, coffee, and whiskey for the next few days. #alamw13 #librarianslovethisshit

#conferenceenvy (n.) A Twitter phenomenon where you see amazing, inspiring tweets pouring out of a hashtag and wish you were there, too.

Mike Eisenberg asks how many libraries are cataloging YouTube videos? 1 person raised her hand. #alamw13

You haven't lived til you've heard "What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor" sang a Capaella in 4 part harmony at an ALA conference. #alamw13

I have decided to live each day as if my fake girlfriend died. #alamw13

Whoever is disgusting person who put their gum on the chair I just sat on at #alamw13, there's a special place for you somewhere unpleasant

And the bonus tweet, bringing us to 16, from someone who thought she could hide from our far-scanning eyes. (Fortunately, we remember that Twitter is bigger on the inside.)

We're on 10th editor of Dewey Decimal Classification. Almost tied with the Doctor. Coincidence? Yes. #ThingsIWontPostToTheALAMW13Hashtag


2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting – ERT/Booklist Author Forum

Authors Terry Brooks, Ruth Ozeki, Gregg Olsen, and Ivan Doig talk about their craft at “The Novel is Alive and Well”—the 2013 edition of the immensely popular ERT/Booklist Author Forum.